Hello down there!

3 minute read


Last week after a lot less of thought , I decided to get on SnapChat. I made an avatar and connected on some friends and my brother. The idea of SnapChat is to send pictues, sort of stories that Instagram started and all social media appliations followed suit. But the thing that is a bit different is you can send a story to only a particula rperson and the person will do the same. And, you can create a story for each different person. You and your contact can keep sending photos everyday to maintain a ‘streak’. That’s the gist.

In case you are a common person like me who does not have anything special everydy, you can just send the time to maintain the streak. I don’t exactly understand the purpose yet and its full mechanism. I use Instagram to see what my former classmates and friends are upto and Whatsapp to chat with friends whom I commmunicate with a daily basis but I don’t exactly get the purpose. I understand I had a secret intent of using Snapchat for dating but that ship is not going to sail at all and I am getting a bit bored of keeping the streak thing up. I also get annoyed with the yellow notification light my phone displays when someone sends me a snap…it’s a weird thing and I don’t like it.

So, TL:Dr, there is a high probability of the app just lying on my phone dormant or just uninstalled like the previous time it wa son my phone (freshman year of undergrad, it consumed so much data that I uninstalled it in a couple of days missing out the drama). I have been trying to keep on with my book-reading though it is bit difficult as other than my daily stuff, I spend my time watching NetFlix and Amazon Prime which I think I should reduce more. I am currently reading Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track by Michelle Feynman (spelled FINE-man, not FEN-man) when I run my simulations run and I have nothing else to do. It is not exactly a book, rather a ollection of letters written by Prof. Feynman to various people through his life. I am currently in the section where he writes to his mom during his years at PRinceton (Princeton, yes!!) and his wife at Los Alamos and those letters display his love and affection for them (He used to call his wife, “Putzie”).

Life at Princeton for Feynman was pretty exciting, it seemed. From his previous booooks, he had one hell’o time there but these letters show a more serious aspect of his life there: sending money to parents, telling parents not to worry about his stipend and requesting his dad to take care of his health. I feel these letters introduce a human-side to the magician he was often regarded as.

Simulations are runing great; I am getting a knack of things now in a better way and we are almost done with the first model in 2D. Hoping to implement the next model (I am struggling with that sinc ethe past couple of weeks), then 3D and then the big things. But, we have lot of time so not worrying about it much for now.

Thats’ it for today; this is the first blog post where people introduce themselves, their life and all but I haven’t and I won’t : you have the damn ‘About Me’ for that.