Those Incorrigible Books

4 minute read


Hello down there! I kno it’s been almost a month but were you thinking I would document every single day of this lockdown? well, you could not be more wrong.

The lockdown has resulted in a huge drop in research output and work efficicney. I am suffering from insomnia once again and my zeal to work more harder everyday is vanishing. Howcer, I still enjoy working on turbulence modelling and the power to believe RANs is the future of CFD.

In school, I struggled a bit in my studies. I was weak, I needed practice. My best friend at that time, well, his mom used to take tuition classes as a extra-help or the students to prepare well for school studies. It can be said that those were the best times of my school life. We all friends went different ways although tried to keep in touch and I learnt later that she still teaches. Amid this CoVID19 outbreak, she decided to start her own channel for teaching kids. I saw the first video recently and immediately the nostalgia kicked in with the sad truth of how school education has failed us.

The video discussed some components of the first chapter in class X (sophomore year of high school) Science- the chapter was about chemical reactions. I was surprised to know the book had not changed a bit- it was still the same experiments, the same observations, evrything was the same. And I became agitated that despite the surges we have achieved throughout these 7 years (I graduated sophomre year in 2013) there was no change to be seen in these books at all. There was still the magnesium ribbon example in the book, there was still those four points in the book (I remember learning those for my exam). 7 years and the authors could not find another experiment!

You could have replaced that example with something else. Something other than burning like rotting of an apple. Energy driven from plasma fusion or a more simpler gas turbine. And as I try to think more about this, I start remembering the other stuff- electric symbols, difference between physical and chemical process what have you. And I feel sure that has not changed too. Do I care about the difference between a physical and chemical process? No becuase in the end a chemical process is on a subatomic level some physics only. Did I learn that in school? Not at all- I learnt that in the Feynman lectures on Physics.

As I sit imagining (I have done that countless times) if I could change the curriculum, it would have to be phenomenal. I think of how Dr. Feynman tried to change the books in the California education system and how he had to debate against old crones who wanted these books. I don’t remember if I ever applied this school knowledge here in grad school or even undegrad. What is the use of this whole centralised education board, many members of my own family involved in it when the supposed education they impart is not useful and more importantly, boring. I remember “good schools” like mine had chemistry labs where we did these experiments. That doing was not important; the practical notebook recording all this was important. Unless I get a reference, it is hard to remember them. On the other hand, I still remember I read a small section on Hydrogen in encyclopedias I read often- that was and still, is the more interesting part. Because they have the damn application! They are rich in illustrations. Tey ar enot some grad student’s research notebooks, but mediums designed to make kids interested not just in science or math or anything but simply ho nature works. And that is the important thing, that is the remakrkable thing, how Nature works.

The future me may think I am just ranting but there is a point of importance in this ‘rant’. “These books have been used for generations so they are good” is not a valid point when it comes to a student who is confused over what to do and how stuff works outside the boring classroom. I always respect people who have been through school in India and yet done some remarkable things- the system can damp out the dopeyness in you within 3-4 years. Physics and math- stuff that is so exciting is dumbed down to such insipid levels in these school books indeed.

That’s enough sadness already for today! Now get back to your stay at home life- you can smell dinner