New Year

3 minute read


Hello, down there! Happy new year 2021! Well January 1 is just a date to start a new Gregorian calender but looking from the events of last year, it seemed 31st Dec 2020 11:59:59 would turn into 31st Dec 2020 11:60:00. That would have been insanely scary. But 2020 has vanished and off we are to a new year with new things on the bucket list piled upon the old things we have had and new ‘resolutions’ This resolution thingy seems not dopey for an undisciplined person like me- I don’t remember the last time I had made any resolution. Maybe it was because I decided to start on a resolution immediately when I thought of it and not wait for it on the 1st of January. And all over you see people being glad as if this Covid-19 virus will leave on 1st Jan 2021. We have had some variants of the virus now but thankfully science and the hard work of thouands of researchers and healthcare workers has won with some vaccines in the market and vaccination programs beginnning to happen and we might see some sort of the normalcy later.

I remember Prof. Feynman aruing about having a mind open to ideas- to be radical in approaching them and accepting them not to care what other people think. He himself took upon new and new ideas jumping from theoritical physics to parallel computing and so on. And past this year, I realized I have constricted my thinking to just fluids, not open to radical ideas and shooting down the ones I don’t prefer as baloney. And I realize my own fault in it- how I shutoff my mind from ideas and how stupid that was. And I have decided to keep my mind more open to more ideas- maybe try to cook something new or learn something new everyday which is not related to what I study but simeply for the pleasure of finding things out.

My morning tea (BTW, did I tell you I renounced cheese and cow milk his yar onwards?) time has now been converted from a mobile checking social media updates to reading books on my Kindle. I have found it to be an extremely healthy and amazing morning time where I have been learning so many new things. Since currently, I don’t have a lot of work (maybe would change in a week), I devote my afternnoons a bit to reading again. And it ha laready started to help me a lot. There’s these new things I have been able to discover after I watch something I had watched previously. I remember Prof. Feynman saying, “There is a pleasure in recognizing old things from a new standpoint” and I am enjoying the pleasure a lot. It had been long since I had read anything passionately apart from my study and now I am getting back to it and enjoying it.

Now that is not my resolution though…I prefer to keep it private but it is something which would help a lot in my mind being more open. Alright, I will see you next time soon, tata!